Predicate Monitoring in Distributed Cyber-physical Systems
Anik Momtaz, Niraj Basnet, Houssam Abbas and Borzoo Bonakdarpour, in Runtime Verification (RV) 2021.
Best Paper Award!
Anik Momtaz, Niraj Basnet, Houssam Abbas and Borzoo Bonakdarpour, in Runtime Verification (RV) 2021.
Best Paper Award!
C. Shea-Blymyer and H. Abbas, In IEEE Conf. on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts (July 2021)
C. Shea-Blymyer and H. Abbas, ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems, 2021 (Accepted)
A. Rodionova, Y. V. Pant, C. Kurtz, K. Jang, H. Abbas, and R. Mangharam, In ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems (Accepted 2021)
C. Shea-Blymyer and H. Abbas, In the Proc. of Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC), April 2020
C. Kurtz and H. Abbas, In IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Sept. 2020
Y. V. Pant, K. Mohta, H. Abbas, T. X Nghiem, J. Devietti, and R. Mangharam, In the Proc. of RTSS 2015, San Antonio, TX, Oct 2015.
Y. V. Pant*, H. Abbas* and R. Mangharam, In 1st IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, Hawai, August 2017.
*Equal contribution
H. Abbas, M. O’Kelly, A. Rodionova and R. Mangharam. In ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Magazine, December 2017.
M. O’Kelly, H. Abbas and R. Mangharam, In the Proc. of SAE World Congress, April 2016